Membership in the IALD



Applicants for Professional membership shall have, at the time their application is submitted, at least five (5) years of experience as an architectural lighting designer at the level of Senior Designer or above in a consulting practice. Professional members must adhere to the IALD Mission and Vision Statements, the IALD Code of Ethics, and the Guidelines for Specification Integrity. Annual Professional IALD membership dues are $290 USD.

Click here to download the mandatory Professional Portfolio Digital Template.

It is also highly recommended that you read the Professional Membership Application Process + Frequently Asked Questions and the Digital Image Guidelines.

Other reference documents of note include the IALD Membership Criteria and Guidelines and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.


A candidate for Associate membership shall have, at the time their application is submitted, at least three (3) years of lighting design experience. Additionally, at the time of submission, the applicant must spend the majority of his/her professional time on architectural lighting design. Associate members must adhere to the IALD Mission and Vision Statements, the IALD Code of Ethics, and the Guidelines for Specification Integrity. Annual Associate IALD membership dues are $190 USD.


A candidate for Retired membership has been a Voting member of IALD for at least ten (10) years and has retired from professional practice. Contact [email protected] if you would like to transition to Retired IALD membership. Annual Retired IALD membership dues are $140 USD.



Junior Associate membership is open to all lighting designers who are new to the profession, including recent college graduates and those who have fewer than three (3) years of experience in the industry. Junior Associate members must subscribe to the IALD Mission and Vision Statements. Annual Junior Associate IALD membership dues are $100 USD. 


Educator membership shall be open to an educator who devotes the majority of their professional time to the teaching of lighting and/or lighting related subjects. Educator members must be in good standing of an accredited institution such as a technical school, design school, college or university, with students concentrated in lighting design or related fields. Educator IALD members must abide by the IALD Mission and Vision Statements. Annual Educator IALD membership dues are $80 USD. 


Student membership shall be open to a student in good standing at an accredited institution such as a technical school, design school, college or university, with studies concentrated in lighting design or related fields. Student membership is also open to all interns working in the field of lighting design. Annual Student IALD membership dues are $40 USD. 


Affiliate status shall be open to all individuals with an interest in architectural lighting design and/or the IALD community. Individuals granted affiliation through this category may not use the IALD designation or acronym after their names, but may list their affiliation under "Professional Affiliations" on resumes, websites, etc., as "Affiliate of the International Association of Lighting Designers". Annual Affiliate membership dues are $190 USD. 

Join us today!

The process for joining the IALD begins with our application portal. Once reviewed, the IALD Membership department will contact you for next steps.